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Interior Architecture Bachelor's Degrees in New York

New York Interior Architecture Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 New York school awarding interior architecture bachelor's degrees, and Syracuse University is the only option.

Check the only New York school offering interior architecture bachelor's degrees and architecture colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other architecture major or diploma.

NY interior architecture bachelor's degree schools:

Syracuse University - Architecture School Ranking
1. Syracuse University

Located in Syracuse

Interior architecture bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Thomas Jefferson University - Architecture School Ranking
Thomas Jefferson University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chatham University - Architecture School Ranking
Chatham University

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Boston Architectural College - Architecture School Ranking
Boston Architectural College

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

University of New Haven - Architecture School Ranking
University of New Haven

Located in West Haven, Connecticut

Marywood University - Architecture School Ranking
Marywood University

Located in Scranton, Pennsylvania

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - Architecture School Ranking
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Located in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts

La Roche University - Architecture School Ranking
La Roche University

Located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paier College - Architecture School Ranking
Paier College

Located in Bridgeport, Connecticut

NY architecture schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Columbia University in the City of New York - Architecture School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

Located in New York City, 1 bachelor's program

Cornell University - Architecture School Ranking
Cornell University

Located in Ithaca, 4 bachelor's programs

University at Buffalo - Architecture School Ranking
University at Buffalo

Located in Buffalo, 1 bachelor's program

Pratt Institute - Architecture School Ranking
Pratt Institute

Located in Brooklyn, 1 bachelor's program

Barnard College - Architecture School Ranking
Barnard College

Located in New York City, 1 bachelor's program

The Cooper Union For the Advancement of Science and Art - Architecture School Ranking
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

Located in New York City, 1 bachelor's program

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Architecture School Ranking
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Located in Troy, 2 bachelor's programs

The New School - Architecture School Ranking
The New School

Located in New York City, 1 bachelor's program

CUNY City College - Architecture School Ranking
CUNY City College

Located in New York City, 2 bachelor's programs

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry - Architecture School Ranking
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Located in Syracuse, 1 bachelor's program

New York Institute of Technology - Architecture School Ranking
New York Institute of Technology

Located in Old Westbury, 1 bachelor's program

CUNY Graduate School and University Center - Architecture School Ranking
CUNY Graduate School and University Center

Located in New York City, 2 bachelor's programs

Farmingdale State College - Architecture School Ranking
Farmingdale State College

Located in Farmingdale, 1 bachelor's program

CUNY New York City College of Technology - Architecture School Ranking
CUNY New York City College of Technology

Located in Brooklyn, 2 bachelor's programs

Ithaca College - Architecture School Ranking
Ithaca College

Located in Ithaca, 1 bachelor's program

Other architecture bachelor's degrees in NY:

General Architecture: 16 schools
Engineering Technology: 12 schools
Landscape Architecture: 4 schools

Other interior architecture diplomas in NY:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school

New York architecture schools by city:

Alfred: 1 school
Amityville: 1 school
Bayside: 1 school
Bronx: 1 school
Brooklyn: 2 schools
Buffalo: 3 schools
Canandaigua: 1 school
Delhi: 1 school
Farmingdale: 1 school
Ithaca: 2 schools
Middletown: 1 school
Morrisville: 1 school
New York City: 7 schools
Old Westbury: 1 school
Poughkeepsie: 1 school
Rochester: 1 school
Selden: 1 school
Staten Island: 1 school
Syracuse: 3 schools
Troy: 2 schools

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