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General Architecture Bachelor's Degrees in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania General Architecture Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we have evaluated 9 Pennsylvania schools providing general architecture bachelor's degrees, and University of Pennsylvania is the best option.

Check the rest of Pennsylvania schools granting general architecture bachelor's degrees and architecture colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other architecture major or diploma.

PA general architecture bachelor's degree schools:

University of Pennsylvania - Architecture School Ranking
1. University of Pennsylvania

Located in Philadelphia

Thomas Jefferson University - Architecture School Ranking
2. Thomas Jefferson University

Located in Philadelphia

Carnegie Mellon University - Architecture School Ranking
3. Carnegie Mellon University

Located in Pittsburgh

Lehigh University - Architecture School Ranking
4. Lehigh University

Located in Bethlehem

University of Pittsburgh - Architecture School Ranking
5. University of Pittsburgh

Located in Pittsburgh

Drexel University - Architecture School Ranking
6. Drexel University

Located in Philadelphia

Temple University - Architecture School Ranking
7. Temple University

Located in Philadelphia

Marywood University - Architecture School Ranking
8. Marywood University

Located in Scranton

Pennsylvania College of Technology - Architecture School Ranking

General architecture bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Columbia University in the City of New York - Architecture School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

Located in New York City, New York

Cornell University - Architecture School Ranking
Cornell University

Located in Ithaca, New York

University of Maryland College Park - Architecture School Ranking
University of Maryland College Park

Located in College Park, Maryland

Syracuse University - Architecture School Ranking
Syracuse University

Located in Syracuse, New York

University at Buffalo - Architecture School Ranking
University at Buffalo

Located in Buffalo, New York

Pratt Institute - Architecture School Ranking
Pratt Institute

Located in Brooklyn, New York

University of Cincinnati - Architecture School Ranking
University of Cincinnati

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

PA architecture schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

Chatham University - Architecture School Ranking
Chatham University

Located in Pittsburgh, 1 bachelor's program

La Roche University - Architecture School Ranking
La Roche University

Located in Pittsburgh, 1 bachelor's program

Other architecture bachelor's degrees in PA:

Engineering Technology: 2 schools
Interior Architecture: 4 schools
Landscape Architecture: 2 schools

Other general architecture diplomas in PA:

Certificates: 3 schools
Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 5 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Pennsylvania architecture schools by city:

Bethlehem: 2 schools
Clearfield: 1 school
Harrisburg: 1 school
Johnstown: 1 school
Lancaster: 1 school
Nanticoke: 1 school
Philadelphia: 5 schools
Pittsburgh: 5 schools
Scranton: 2 schools
Williamsport: 1 school
Willow Street: 1 school
Youngwood: 1 school

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