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Architectural Engineering and Technology Bachelor's Degrees in Nevada

Nevada Engineering Technology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 Nevada school granting engineering technology bachelor's degrees, and University of Nevada Las Vegas is the only option.

Check the only Nevada school granting architectural engineering and technology bachelor's degrees and architecture colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other architecture major or diploma.

NV engineering technology bachelor's degree schools:

University of Nevada Las Vegas - Architecture School Ranking

Engineering technology bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Southern California - Architecture School Ranking
University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, California

California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo - Architecture School Ranking
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

Located in San Luis Obispo, California

University of Arizona - Architecture School Ranking
University of Arizona

Located in Tucson, Arizona

University of Oregon - Architecture School Ranking
University of Oregon

Located in Eugene, Oregon

Southern California Institute of Architecture - Architecture School Ranking
Southern California Institute of Architecture

Located in Los Angeles, California

University of Utah - Architecture School Ranking
University of Utah

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Idaho - Architecture School Ranking
University of Idaho

Located in Moscow, Idaho

Art Center College of Design - Architecture School Ranking
Art Center College of Design

Located in Pasadena, California

Newschool of Architecture and Design - Architecture School Ranking
Newschool of Architecture and Design

Located in San Diego, California

Oregon State University - Architecture School Ranking
Oregon State University

Located in Corvallis, Oregon

California College of the Arts - Architecture School Ranking
California College of the Arts

Located in San Francisco, California

Woodbury University - Architecture School Ranking
Woodbury University

Located in Burbank, California

Weber State University - Architecture School Ranking
Weber State University

Located in Ogden, Utah

Other architecture bachelor's degrees in NV:

General Architecture: 1 school
Interior Architecture: 1 school
Landscape Architecture: 1 school

Other engineering technology diplomas in NV:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 1 school
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Nevada architecture schools by city:

Las Vegas: 2 schools
Reno: 1 school

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