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Architectural Engineering and Technology Bachelor's Degrees in Illinois

Illinois Engineering Technology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 2 Illinois schools awarding engineering technology bachelor's degrees, and University of Illinois Urbana Champaign is the best option.

Check both Illinois schools offering engineering technology bachelor's degrees and architecture colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other architecture major or diploma.

IL engineering technology bachelor's degree schools:

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign - Architecture School Ranking
Illinois Institute of Technology - Architecture School Ranking

Engineering technology bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

Washington University in St Louis - Architecture School Ranking
Washington University in St Louis

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

Purdue University - Architecture School Ranking
Purdue University

Located in West Lafayette, Indiana

Iowa State University - Architecture School Ranking
Iowa State University

Located in Ames, Iowa

Ball State University - Architecture School Ranking
Ball State University

Located in Muncie, Indiana

Missouri University of Science and Technology - Architecture School Ranking
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis - Architecture School Ranking
Milwaukee School of Engineering - Architecture School Ranking
Milwaukee School of Engineering

Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Indiana State University - Architecture School Ranking
Indiana State University

Located in Terre Haute, Indiana

Drury University - Architecture School Ranking
Drury University

Located in Springfield, Missouri

Ranken Technical College - Architecture School Ranking
Ranken Technical College

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

IL architecture schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Illinois Chicago - Architecture School Ranking
University of Illinois Chicago

Located in Chicago, 1 bachelor's program

Judson University - Architecture School Ranking
Judson University

Located in Elgin, 1 bachelor's program

School of the Art Institute of Chicago - Architecture School Ranking
School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Located in Chicago, 1 bachelor's program

Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Architecture School Ranking
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Located in Carbondale, 1 bachelor's program

Other architecture bachelor's degrees in IL:

General Architecture: 4 schools
Interior Architecture: 1 school

Other engineering technology diplomas in IL:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 3 schools
Master's Degrees: 3 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Illinois architecture schools by city:

Carbondale: 1 school
Centralia: 1 school
Champaign: 1 school
Chicago: 5 schools
Des Plaines: 1 school
East Peoria: 1 school
Elgin: 1 school
Glen Ellyn: 1 school
Godfrey: 1 school
Grayslake: 1 school
Ina: 1 school
Joliet: 1 school
Mattoon: 1 school
River Grove: 1 school
South Holland: 1 school
Springfield: 1 school

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